Songwriters Kickstart FREE Video Series

Songwriters Kickstart imageSongwriters Kickstart FREE Video Series

Songwriters Kickstart FREE Video Series with songwriting tips designed especially for beginning songwriters. Learn how to get started with songwriting and the business side of music. Write better lyrics, melodies, and chord progressions, get fans, gigs, promote your music, and much more.

Click Here To Watch Your FREE Videos



Free Workshop: 10 Things Every Songwriter Needs to Know

Free Workshop: 10 Things Every Songwriter Needs to Know

Ever wondered how to get your first gig? Your first 100 fans? How to find the inspiration to finish every song you start? How to write hooks that people will actually sing along with?

To help you, Dave Kusak, founder of Berklee Online and the New Artist Model, and Kevin Thomas of Songwriting Planet (that’s me) will be demystifying these and many other problems new songwriters face in a free online workshop WEDNESDAY October 14 at 1PM EST.

Join the Free Workshop here:

Looking forward to it,

Dave and Kevin

PS: Join us during the live workshop to get a special gift!


Using Drum Loops to Write Awesome Songs

(Image) Animal from the Muppets playing drumsAre your songs built from the top down, or the bottom up? If you start with a melody or lyrics, this is writing from the top down. If, on the other hand, you begin with the drums or bass, this would be considered writing from the bottom up. Beginning with the chords would place your starting point somewhere in the middle.

So, which is the best way to begin? [continue reading…]


How to Write Songs With a Band, and Not Break Up?

Band animated imageWe have all heard the stories about famous bands writing songs together. Creating great music with friends can be almost like having a second family. But the truth of the matter is that writing songs with an entire band is a very rare situation. Even when all the names of band members are listed as co-writers, it is usually just one or two who did the majority of the writing. [continue reading…]


Chord Mastery for Songwriters

Piano Chord Mastery for SongwritersGuitar Chord Mastery for SongwritersJust Released:

Click Here:

Chord Mastery for Songwriters


Hey songwriters, after last months free songwriting webinar, I noticed that there were more questions and confusion about chords than most of the other topics.

How chords are created?

The difference between Major, Minor, and Diminished chords?

Key changes?

How to choose the rights chords for your melody?

What chords to use in different song sections? [continue reading…]


Rule #1 of Great Songwriting

Rule #1 of Great SongwritingBe-a-Good-Songwriter

I have rebelled against RULES most of my life. And I know that you, being a creative songwriter, are probably not so big on rules either. When I am teaching the sometimes elusive craft of songwriting, I generally like to teach more in terms of flexible guidelines, and helpful suggestions, than to ever use the term “rule.” However, this is one songwriting guideline that I suggest ALL songwriters commit to memory as a RULE. [continue reading…]


Writing Songs | Phrase Durations

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Songwriting Sparks Webinar

FREE Live Webinar:

Kick your songwriting up ten notches this week!

“Learn the SECRETS from the Songwriting Sparks video course, and get your BURNING questions answered”

Join Songwriting Planet founder Kevin Thomas for a very special event:

“How to write songs FASTER, write songs BETTER, and OVERCOME writer’s block NOW!”

Songwriting Sparks Live Webinar Replay Link

[continue reading…]


How to Write Chords for a Song | Chord Durations


Songwriting Techniques | Melody Fragmentation

