How to Write a MONSTER MUSIC HOOK for Every Song
I remember when I first began writing songs and discovered the concept of a music hook. I would grab an acoustic guitar, strum chords, sing melodies, makeup lyrics, and jot ideas down in a notebook. Sometimes I would just work on lyrics, and other times just the melodies or guitar parts.
This is the way that many of us begin writing; it is the GETTING STARTED Phase, and it is still a great way to Brainstorm ideas.
But the feedback from my songs was usually the same from everybody:
Everything sounds like a verse.
There’s no Music Hook.
Which section is the Chorus?
In my quest for Improvement I discovered an Incredible SECRET that the Pro’s use:
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Keep doing the Brainstorming, but don’t commit to developing a song until you have a Central Concept, Title, and Melody, that you can build into a great chorus.
One way that many great writers do this is by keeping a List of Titles right at the beginning of their notebooks. Stay Alert throughout your day for potential tiles, and add them to your list.
When it is time to write, go through your title list first, and see if one of them evokes a concept to write about, or a catchy melody. Work with that one line, or even one word, until you can weave it into a CATCHY MUSIC HOOK, and then build your song from the chorus down.
If you’ve done a lot of the brainstorming phase in the past, the rest of the song should come MUCH EASIER.
Kevin Thomas
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Thank you for the great advice.
Do you know of anyone who would work with me on my lyrics and then do the the music for them
Mert, locally you might try Craigslist under the musicians section. At a distance, there are a number of songwriting collaboration websites. I would suggest doing an Internet search and trying a couple different ones. And keep in mind that you might have to try a few different writing partners before you find one that really works well with you.
Hope this helps, Kevin
Hey Awesome tips I’ve been trying to get out of this box that im in. I usualy try to start with the hook but at times its like I just can’t find it.
I start writing new songs the same way when I really don’t want to. I never want it to sound like my last. Can you give me some feedback on my songs if you can. Thank you, Joel-
Joel, glad you got a lot out of the post. Feel free to e-mail a link to your song to
Hey kelvin, my name is kobby . And I am new to songwriting and I saw your video on YouTube and I was blown away by your talent. I want to know how how to sign up and become part of your forum. Email me please. Thanks
Great points that have worked very well for my songs.